Monday, August 14, 2006

blog notice!

Since it's now August, the monthly bandwidth has reset and previously unavailable files are now available *throws confetti* And because Shoujo Magic went on a scanlating rampage and released 7 chapters in a month (Vol. 14 chapters 2-7 and Vol. 15 chapter 1), we have something even better to celebrate! *throws even more confetti*

On another note, I have a teensy request for help. When I started uploading the chapters, I didn't get a lot of visitors then because the blog was new. Now that it seems that a lot of people have been dropping by, it's kinda embarrasing that the layout is so plain *sheepish* That said, is there anyone out there willing to create even the simplest layout for this blog? A pretty header would be more than enough ^-^ If anyone's interested, you can contact me at cheshire.macy (at)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

GAHGAH. I tried emailing you but gmail is killing my computer XD so i'm commenting~ This was my e-mail:

Hey there :D I just love Parfait Tic (thought you should know XD) and i've
read one of the posts in your blog ! I would glady make a header for your
blog :D But i can't code it -horrible coder- oooh. and if you need examples
of my work, you can go to orrrrrr ^_^ Reply soon!